Preparation of Source/Training Data:
pythonCopy code
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2')
documents = ["Document 1 text", "Document 2 text", ...]
document_embeddings = model.encode(documents)
Indexing with a Vector Search Tool:
pythonCopy code
import faiss
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(document_embeddings.shape[1]) # Using L2 distance
Query Embedding Generation:
pythonCopy code
query = "Sample query text"
query_embedding = model.encode([query])
Retrieval with a Vector Search Tool:
pythonCopy code
D, I =, k) # k is the number of top results to retrieve
Response Generation:
pythonCopy code
relevant_documents = [documents[i] for i in I[0]]
response = generative_model.generate_response(query, relevant_documents)
All these tools fit into the RAG architecture by providing efficient mechanisms for indexing and retrieving vector representations of data, thereby enhancing the retrieval component of the system. The embedding generation is handled by separate models, and the vector search tools optimize the storage and search processes to enable quick and relevant document retrieval, which is then used to generate contextually informed responses.